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The Government of Imo State, under the visionary leadership of Governor Hope Uzodimma, CON, is pleased to announce the successful completion of the second phase of the Inland road reconstruction project in Owerri.



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This milestone achievement has significantly enhanced the city’s transportation infrastructure, providing Imo citizens and visitors with a smoother and more efficient travel experience.

The newly reconstructed Umezurike Hospital road now seamlessly connects to the second and third Inland roads, thanks to the construction of the Assumpta Control Post Flyover.

This development is a testament to the administration’s commitment to improving the lives of Imo people and driving economic growth through strategic infrastructure investments.

As we enjoy the benefits of this project, let us remember to drive safely and responsibly, adhering to traffic regulations and respecting the rights of other road users.

By doing so, we can all play our part in advancing our state’s development agenda and creating a better future for ourselves and generations to come.

Let us continue to support and cooperate with the government in its efforts to transform Imo State into a hub of progress and prosperity.


Police Arrest 3 Suspects Behind Fake JAMB Website, Admission Letters



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The Nigeria Police Force has arrested three men behind the proliferation of fake websites for JAMB registration, falsifying fake JAMB Admission Letters, System Interference and schemes operating phishing websites to defraud unsuspecting JAMB candidates.

Confirming their arrest to newsmen, the spokesperson of the Police force, ACP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, said the suspects identified as Effa Leonard Mpama, Ibang Ernest Jerome and Eshiet Odotukana Benson, all male of ages 34, 38 and 38 respectively and others at large, belong to a syndicate who intentionally and knowingly conspired and procured amongst themselves services that enabled them to illegally access JAMB restricted Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) and e-facility respectively, and proceeded to alter and delete other candidates’ previous admission letters and inputted fake details resulting in inauthentic admission letter which were acted upon as genuine to secure admissions into tertiary institutions and mobilization for National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) programme, thus compromising the entire JAMB admission process with its attendant consequences.


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Family Demands Justice As Nigerian Police Officer Dies ‘Mysteriously’ During Patrol In Lagos, Bruises Found On His Neck



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Nigerian Police Officer’s Mysterious Death

Inspector Sunday Peter’s Death: Inspector Sunday Peter, a member of the Rapid Response Squad in Lagos, died under mysterious circumstances during a patrol on May 16, 2024

Family’s Account: The family claims that Peter’s body showed cuts on the neck and bruises, suggesting foul play, contrary to the police’s claim that he fell ill

Discrepancies in Police Account: The family alleges that the police’s account of events is inconsistent, and an investigation at the hospital revealed that Peter was brought in dead

Demand for Justice: The family is seeking justice and an autopsy to determine the cause of death, and a petition has been submitted to the National Assembly

Police’s Response:  The Lagos State Police Command has printed posters for Peter’s obituary and released a signal, but the family feels that the police are trying to hurry the burial without a proper investigation

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Economic Hardship: Adulterated foods flooding Nigerian markets; palm oil mixed with dye, lard, FG warns



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The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) has raised the alarm over the increase in adulterated and contaminated foods in the markets.

FCCPC acting executive vice-chairman Adamu Abdullahi said in Abuja on Thursday that some traders were engaging in various forms of adulteration without considering the health implications for consumers.

Mr Abdullahi said this at a one-day sensitisation for traders, farmers, civil society organisations (CSOs), and the public on the forceful ripening of fruits, adulterated palm oil, contaminated meat, and grains.

Mr Abdullahi said the move would ensure a healthier society in line with President Bola Tinubu’s ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’.

He said the acts establishing the FCCPCFC gave it powers to evacuate fake and adulterated products from the markets to prevent consumers from purchasing them.

“We will go to the markets to sensitise the traders and educate the public and sellers that adulterated, fake products are not allowed in the markets, and if they see any, they have somewhere to report.

“We are going to markets in the states, the grassroots, and farms to find out the sharp practices going on and to ensure we get a healthier society in line with President Tinubu’s ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’.

“We have to ensure that the goods in the markets are according to the standard that they should be,” he said.

Femi Stephen of the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare described adulteration as the addition of substandard substances that have the same properties as the food with which they are mixed.

Mr Stephen said palm oil was adulterated with dye, lard (animal fat from pork), and transformer oil (paraffin), warning that adulteration is linked to various health challenges.

He listed some health issues linked to adulteration, such as abdominal pain, nausea, brain damage, stomach disorder, cardiac arrest, liver disease and breathing difficulties.

Mr Stephen urged farmers to seek experts’ guidance in applying pesticides to avoid poisoning.

Promise Ogbonna of the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) said that forceful fruit ripening is detrimental to health. She said calcium carbide used for the forceful ripening of fruits was arsenic and phosphorus, which had been said to be carcinogenic.

Edozie Ugwu, the vice-president (North-Central) of the National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS), commended the FCCPC for the sensitisation.

Mr Ugwu said that many Nigerians had lost their vital body organs to food adulteration. He said the market associations would collaborate with the FCCPC and other government agencies to ensure that the law penalised any trader found wanting in the practice.

“What we intend doing is to take this back and sensitise our traders on the importance of avoiding these adulterated foods. We plead that this be extended to various markets,” he said.

The market associations, including market women associations and members of the Food and Hygiene Association of Nigeria, were present at the event.


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