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School Proprietor Collects WAEC, NECO Fees, Sells School, Flies Abroad?



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Mr. Sunday Adeyemi, a school owner in Ibadan, has reportedly disappeared with funds earmarked for students’ WAEC and NECO exam fees, leaving their educational prospects in jeopardy.

The shocking revelation came to light through Adejoke Lasisi, the founder of Planet 3R, who took to Facebook to share the distressing news.

According to her post, many parents had gone to great lengths, even borrowing money, to ensure their children could take these crucial exams.

However, their hopes were shattered when they discovered that the school had not registered their children for the exams despite collecting the fees.

Adejoke’s post was fueled by both anger and personal experience, as her younger brother had once been a victim of a similar incident. Fortunately, her family managed to rally support and funds to re-register him for the exams.

The school owner’s actions were described as a betrayal of trust, especially considering he had operated “The Lord’s Favour” school for more than two decades.

It was revealed that Mr. Adeyemi had allegedly sold off his properties, including his home and the school itself, to finance his escape abroad, leaving the students and parents in a state of disbelief and hardship.

Adejoke concluded her post by emphasizing that while everyone has the right to seek opportunities abroad, it should not be at the expense of others, especially when it involves breaching trust and jeopardizing the futures of innocent students.





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Ukershio Favour , a young NYSC member from Hyiarev, Gwer West LGA, Benue State, serving in Plateau State, has demonstrated remarkable selflessness and community spirit.

Without any external empowerment or political motives, she used her own allowance to construct a roundabout, addressing a long-standing road safety issue that had claimed multiple accidents in shandam local government of Plateau state.

Moreover, she awarded scholarships to two orphans and taught liquid soap-making skills to local women, all on her own initiative.

Her exemplary actions make her a worthy role model, inspiring others to make a positive impact in their communities.

Congratulations dear daughter of Ayatutu.
More fruitful years ahead.


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For candidates in Nigeria who have applied to various institutions for the 2024/25 academic year but have not yet received admission, the process to apply for a student loan through the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) is as follows:



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1) Visit the NELFUND Website: Go to the official NELFUND website.

2) Application Process: Click on the “Apply Now” button.
A) If you are a new applicant, you will need to create a profile by registering on the platform.
B) If you are an existing applicant, you can log in with your credentials.

3) Fill Out the Application: Complete the application form with all the required details.
A) You will need to provide personal information, educational background, and the details of the institution you have applied to.
B) Even if you have not received admission yet, you should be able to proceed with the application as long as you have proof of application to an accredited institution.

4) Submit Necessary Documents: Attach all relevant supporting documents to your application.

A) This may include proof of application to the institutions, identification documents, and any other required paperwork.

5) Review and Submit: Double-check all the information and submit your application within the specified time frame.

6) Wait for Notification: After submitting your application, wait for a notification from NELFUND regarding the status of your loan application.

Please note that specific details and requirements can change, so it’s important to refer to the official NELFUND website or contact their support for the most current information. The key is to ensure that all information and documents provided are accurate and submitted within the application window.

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I already have three degrees, but I have decided to go back to school for my fourth degree – Billionaire daughter, DJ Cuppy announces.



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Billionaire daughter, DJ Cuppy, revealed that she is going back to school to get her fourth degree.

While discussing her plans with her followers, DJ Cuppy acknowledged feeling anxious about the potential challenges of academic rigor that await her in the pursuit of this new endeavor.

However, she drew strength from past experiences, reminiscing about the fears she had overcome when pursuing her previous degrees.

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